
EBFGPS 2024 - GPP 3 - Threed w/ Jack!

EBFGP Our favorite VR Trooper Jack Murphy has once again rezzed into meatspace, and he's got a bone to pick with a zombie horde! But it's going to take the rowdiest band to ever grace the Chaos Theater to get this show on the road, and they're so deep in debt they can't see the sun! Hook up your Super Nintendo and play along, it's still not too late to get caught up!

Jack will be starting the third GPP stream at 6:00pm PT / 9:00pm ET, be sure to join us over on the Starman Club Twitch Channel and get back in the game with us! If you're feeling creative, be sure to post something fun in the GPP 3 Forum Thread! PorcBanc™ thanks you for your contributions.

Valued PorcoTrade™ members! Starmen.Net does not encourage purposeful injury or poor dietary decisions in an effort to influence the invisible hand of the market! Trust the system!

EBFGP | READ COMMENTS (0) 2024.07.26 @ 6:20 CDT by vid

EBFGPS 2024 - GPP 2 - Twoson w/ heavenchai!

EBFGP Tomorrow we're going to be counting on heavenchai to take down the chief of the Onett Police Department, carry us through Twoson, go toe to toe with exploding trees in the Peaceful Rest Valley, and finally take down a cult leader! If you haven't started playing yet, it's not too late to get caught up and play along!

heaven will be starting the stream at 6:00pm PT / 9:00pm ET for GPP 2, so be sure to tune in to the Starman Club Twitch Channel and help us get through all of those burgers we were left with last time! If you're feeling creative, be sure to post something fun in the GPP 2 Forum Thread! PorcBanc™ thanks you for your contributions.

PorcoTrade™ Investors! We expect another update from The Pig Pen during the stream, time to make sure your stock porcfolio is in order!

EBFGP | READ COMMENTS (1) 2024.07.24 @ 13:04 CDT by vid

EBFGPS 2024 - GPP 1 - Onett w/ CapnCocoCharms!

EBFGP Yowza, today's the day! It's time to load up EarthBound on your favorite console, name your characters and get back in the game! The first Gameplay Point takes you from the very start all the way up until you've defeated Titanic Ant and learned the first melody.

CapnCocoCharms will be kicking off our streaming schedule at 6:00pm PT / 9:00pm ET for his own playthrough of GPP 1, so be sure to tune in to our Starman Club Twitch Channel and cheer him along. You've also still got time to jump into the forums and help name the characters that our streamers will be using throughout their shared playthrough!

For our PorcoTrade™ Investors, keep your eyes open during the stream for a special update from The Pig Pen!

EBFGP | READ COMMENTS (0) 2024.07.22 @ 17:21 CDT by vid



Hello everyone!

Previously, we announced that our premium event sponsors would be rolling out a surprise for all of you on July 21st. We know you’ve all been waiting with bated breath to see what it would be, so we’re happy to finally announce that we’ve partnered with PorcBanc™ to bring an exclusive financial offer to all EarthBound Funktastic Gameplay Summer participants!

Introducing PorcoTrade

PorcoTrade™ is a unique and very serious and real stock-trading website which allows its users to trade in shares of some of Eagleland’s most high-profile companies, as well as providing access to a limited number of international stocks with zero* additional fees! Buy and sell stocks at will, and watch your profits rise!**

* Please note: PorcBanc™, Inc. reserves the right to begin charging fees at a later date for any reason.

** Please note: PorcBanc™, Inc. does not guarantee rising profits. Users of the website accept all liability for any losses incurred as a result of user-initiated stock-trading decisions.

Sign up now at to receive $2000 in free Eagleland Dollars, and start trading today!

For some guidance on proper usage of the PorcoTrade website, as well as some tips to get started, check out the Investing Guide. It’s really not as complicated as it looks, so don’t be afraid to jump on in! Feel free to consult with your fellow investors on "the forums": as well! We hope you’ll all enjoy and take full advantage of this exclusive investment opportunity.

PorcoTrade™: Buy. Sell. Money. Today.™

EBFGP | READ COMMENTS (1) 2024.07.22 @ 6:54 CDT by vid

EarthBound Funktastic Gameplay Summer 2024


Hello everyone! It is with GREAT ENTHUSIASM that we would like to announce the:

EarthBound Funktastic Gameplay Summer 2024 logo

But first… what IS a Funktastic Gameplay Summer?

Us Starmen.Netters are bringing back a long-beloved sitewide tradition! The Earthbound Funktastic Gameplay Summer is an event that dates back to 2001, wherein the community collectively plays through EarthBound over the course of several “Gameplay Points” (GPPs). Everyone is encouraged to play along, and our team of stream hosts will be broadcasting their own gameplay on the StarmanClub Twitch channel. In addition, we will be celebrating MOTHER’s 35th and Earthbound’s 30th anniversary!

Maybe it’s been a minute since you’ve returned to the game. Maybe you’ve never played before! The idea is to get fans, new and old, engaging with Earthbound. With introduction out of the way, let’s move on to the deets:

EBFGP | READ COMMENTS (10) 2024.07.15 @ 16:53 CDT by vid

Mother 3 18th Anniversary!


Happy Mother 3 18th anniversary everyone! We all knew it was coming up, but are you also surprised that it’s been 18 years since the game was released in Japan on April 20th, 2006? After all these years, is proud to say there’s still a small place on the internet where people celebrate how this game inspired us, changed lives, and left a huge impact on gaming culture.

Come join us in celebrating the game, the community, and everything that followed in its wake with two great events.

Our first event is a brand new release from Fangamer’s own Jack Murphy, a recreation of the 3D New Pork City map! The map was first created for the Ultimate Chimera Hunt gamemode in Garry’s Mod back a whole 14 years ago in 2010, and is now ported to VRChat for you to explore!

You can also check out the release trailer!

If you feel like exploring this world, or even just experiencing a taste of what it was like to be a MOTHER fan with gmod in 2010, join this world at this link if you already have VRChat downloaded from Steam (it’s free!). If the above link doesn’t work, you can also search for Jack’s profile by searching for Jack-O from inside VRChat’s interface, and find the New Pork City map through his uploaded Worlds.

And that's not all! We have something special planned if you can join us on Sunday, April 21st, 2024 at 9:00 p.m. ET (6:00 p.m. PT) for a 15-minute Q&A session with Jack himself! Come ask your burning questions about his experience with modelling 3D worlds over the past 10+ years!

As an added bonus, if you join this world at any point this weekend, take a screenshot of the secret credits room to earn yourself a special reward on the forums! Post your screenshot of the credits room as a reply in the comments below to earn yourself a shiny new prize.

Our second event is a wonderful art collab hosted by our beloved overlord, Master P! We've been given a memo that reads as follows:

"Our bountiful leader and super cool dude Master P. has ordered the forces to come up with designs for the Fascinating Chimera Project. It is to my understanding that you have all been already briefed on what a chimera is, but for the stragglers amongst the troops, I’ll give you a quick reminder! A chimera is a boring, lame animal, but made cool! Your commanders and colonels have given each of you a document handwritten personally by King P. himself. You should consider that an honour!"

You have until May 19, 2024 to add your chimera to our glorious ranks, so get cracking and create something worthy of Master P's greatness!!

Whether it's exploring a familiar world made new or creating something completely original, Mother 3's anniversary promises to be as heartfelt as the game itself. Come participate in one or both events. We hope to see you there!
STARMEN.NET | READ COMMENTS (23) 2024.04.20 @ 12:17 CDT by LadyTe

No Foolin'

Starmen.Net New MOTHER news?? In 2024? It’s more likely than you think! Hold on to your butts everyone because there have been some MAJOR developments in the world of MOTHER treasure hunting. Just this morning, we heard from a mysterious new user “nessfan92” about an UNRELEASED MOTHER 3 DEMO. Please check it out, because this threatens to COMPLETELY REINVENT our preconceptions about what happened between the end of Earthbound, and the start of development for MOTHER 3. Check out some of these screenshots!!
And if that weren't enough. We also got some new footage of previously unseen Earthbound 64 content. Thank you to user catgirltoast for bringing this to our attention.
We are forever in your debt.
And finally, to cap it off, we also got a TRANSLATION of EARTHBOUND III by longtime PK Hack wizard and question-answerer extraordinaire, Polinym. It's clear a lot of time and effort went into translating this hack, and we *HIGHLY RECOMMEND* you check it out for yourself and show some appreciated to them in the comments! That's all for now folks, it's been an incredible day, and we are thrilled to be able to bring you so much new, real, and totally legitimate MOTHER news! See you next time!
STARMEN.NET | READ COMMENTS (1) 2024.04.01 @ 13:16 CDT by LadyTe

WinterSummer Funfest

Events Hey everyone!

I’m chilled to announce that the winners have been chosen for the Very Hot Winter Funfest! Please check out the results here to see the talented members who earned themselves some shiny new all-season badges and fanvatars!

I’d also like to place a particular spotlight on one entry, as everyone was blown away by Polinym’s “Make-an-RPG-in-28-days” commitment to the bit, (and especially because they wildly misunderstood what the theme was, lol) and we highly recommend you also check it out for download at their GitHub here!

A few other highlights from the event included a successful Secret Starmen gift exchange, as well as a mysterious ghost-thread that no one seems to be able to explain?? If you consider what else has been happening on the forum lately, perhaps we shouldn’t be surprised.

And finally, shoutouts to all the participants, streamers, judges, and A Very Memorable Username in particular for kicking off this funfest and making all the assets! Another special thank you to LadyTe for bringing it all home at the awards ceremony. If you’re still in the mood for shenanigans, don’t forget that there’s still time to solve the mystery of the farewell message for yourself, and maybe even unlock more goodies for your efforts!

See you all next time, and have a great end of season!

EVENTS | READ COMMENTS (1) 2024.03.21 @ 3:26 CDT by vid

Don't Chill Yet; Let's Heat Things Up!

Starmen.Net It's Summer Down Under!

Do you love summer? Do you love reminiscing about your favorite childhood games? Do you love belated holiday celebrations? Well, we have got the event for you! We have A Very Hot Winter Funfest going on right now! There'll be a couple more streams in the coming days, contests with prizes, and the conclusion of the Secret Starmen, all concluding on March 8th! Come check out the board and be sure to check the info topic for more details!
STARMEN.NET | READ COMMENTS (0) 2024.02.28 @ 21:45 CST by LadyTe


L A S T C H R I S T M A S I G A V E Y O U M Y H E A R T.

It's that time again. He's about to escape, and I hope we're all prepared. It's the fourth annual Starmen.Net WHAMAGEDDON!

If this is your first time, please take a moment to review the rules. If this is your second, third, or fourth time, please review the rules anyway, you don't want to be the person who eliminates themselves on a weird technicality.
STARMEN.NET | READ COMMENTS (133) 2023.11.28 @ 0:41 CST by vid

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EBFGP >:. ...> EBFGPS 2024 - GPP 3 - Threed w/ Jack!
EBFGP >:. ...> EBFGPS 2024 - GPP 2 - Twoson w/ heavenchai!
EBFGP >:. ...> EBFGPS 2024 - GPP 1 - Onett w/ CapnCocoCharms!
EBFGP >:. ...> PorcoTrade™
EBFGP >:. ...> EarthBound Funktastic Gameplay Summer 2024


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