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Mushroomized Booka - by kota12

Mushroomized Booka

An enemy from EarthBound that has been horribly mushroomized.

Other Submissions by kota12

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kota12 Mummy Mermaid Zombie Claus
There was only a few hours left to enter stuff in the funfest and I was running out of ideas.
11/6/06 0.00
kota12 Mook Flavors
They taste delicious, except for the green one. He's boogar flavored.
8/6/08 0.00
kota12 Unwanted Kiss Wallpaper
Those enemies at the bottom are mr molecule snowman ball ornament things
12/19/06 9.00
kota12 Natural Pork Ullrich
Ullrich (Mother 1) + Pigmask + Natural Killer Cyborg (Both Mother 3)
1/1/09 0.00
kota12 Rambin' Antoid
Upon attaching itself to the antoid, the ramblin' shroom absorbs the brain of the antoid and controls it like a rotting zombie puppet.
7/26/11 0.00


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