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"Whose Hat is This?" coloring book, pg. 15 (end) - by kenisu3000

"Whose Hat is This?" coloring book, pg. 15 (end)

whohat - #09
Okay, so I had only been given a maximum of 16 pages to illustrate this book, and with the title page, that meant that page 15 was it. Corny lines ("they were happy; they had made a new friend") aside, it really does close things out a little too quickly to say "after Anna gave her father the medicine..." The famous author Mark Twain once said, "Don't just SAY the woman screamed: bring her out and let her scream!" This means that it's best to draw things out in the story so that it feels more natural, but here I had run out of pages, and had set up a plot exposition that was never to be shown. As a result, we never get to see Anna's father (not here, anyway; we'll see him in my comic series though).

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kenisu3000 Prologue - Page 7: Suzannah and Johnny
kenisu - #07
Here, we get to meet three of my original characters: George and Maria's son, Johnny (I guess if I had to give him an age, I'd say about five), Maria's sister Suzannah, and James, who was mentioned on Page 3.
I knew that since George and Maria had a legacy that HAD to have been laid down BEFORE the abduction, then they must have had a child that had been perhaps overlooked in the kidnapping. To emphasize this, I gave them a son, designed him the way I draw Ninten (just with brown hair and newsie-style clothes), and I made it so that during the abduction, he had been out visiting his aunt Suzannah. Also, note the continued use of British dialect: Johnny refers to his mother as "mum".
At first I wanted the next page after the George-and-Maria scream and the shattering-of-the-eyeglasses to be where Suzannah brings Johnny home, to find the house completely abandoned. Instead, I realized there would need to be some more introduction to these characters, and maybe some interaction with others before they discovered the awful truth. That's how James became more than just a fleeting mention made by George. So, I threw in some more character establishment, and the "Big Discovery" was shifted to Page 8.
I made James to resemble the typical old farmer, jaded by the "young whipper-snappers these days", and I gave him a corn field. Corn fields are great if you want to write something scary. Also, there's a little nuance which I don't think was made clear enough: James' home is the 1906 equivalent of the house in 1988 of the fat guy who says his house was torn apart by a poltergeist.
10/8/06 0.00
kenisu3000 Ninten Means Business
My inspiration for this is the profile art for Adult Link in Ocarina of Time.
Oh yeah, it's all about the somberness.
10/9/06 0.00
kenisu3000 Prologue - Page 8: Mysterious Disappearance
kenisu - #08
Trying to imagine what a typical 1906 living-room looked like was a beast for me (I did a lot of Google searches for early 1900's traditional this-and-that when I got caught in a dilemma, but I must have used the wrong keywords or something, because very few pages came up with photographs).
10/15/06 0.00
kenisu3000 Prologue - Page 9: The Midnight Visitor
kenisu - #09
I had been looking forward to drawing that final panel for a long time, and I'm pleased to say that the tense, insane look on George's face turned out looking more-or-less exactly how I had pictured it in my head.
10/15/06 0.00
kenisu3000 Prologue - Page 10: A Changed Man
kenisu - #10
Hopefully the subtlety here isn't TOO subtle. The blank panel is because I wanted George to deck James in the face when Maria was mentioned, but I didn't want to show it, or insert some goofy sound effect. In the end I decided that it would be best to leave it to the reader's imagination, so I left the panel blank. It also gives it a certain quality which says "you can't even fathom what this punch was like" or that it was kind of an "other-worldly" punch.
10/22/06 0.00


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