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Forward we Go into an Unknown Doom - by kenisu3000

Forward we Go into an Unknown Doom

This is my homage to the image that I attribute as my very first impression of EarthBound Zero/Mother 1. Years back, before I even began playing it, I came across the image on the back of the Mother 1 soundtrack on this site (when it was still, and it still haunts me to this day. Three years after playing through the game, I found out that it was actually a screencap from an old commercial aired on Japanese TV when the game was first released in 1989. That took away a big chunk of the mystery surrounding my enrapturement of this image (it was a "the magic is gone" sort of experience), but I will forever treasure this as the one icon to represent everything the first Mother game symbolizes.
Albeit I changed it from the exact image to a few moments before, when Lloyd points to the glowing summit of Holy Loly.

Other Submissions by kenisu3000

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kenisu3000 MOTHER Christmas Theatre: Page 7 (How Anna Saved Christmas)
On the flip side, coming up with banters between characters is tons of fun.
3/25/08 0.00
kenisu3000 MOTHER Christmas Theatre: Page 8 (How Anna Saved Christmas)
Yeah... about this mysterious Jeanine character Lloyd mentions... well, you'll see who she is (and *possibly* recognize her) if I ever get that far in my main fancomic. For now, I'll just say I designed her after one of the NPCs.
3/25/08 0.00
kenisu3000 MOTHER Christmas Theatre: Page 9 (How Anna Saved Christmas)
I had known for the longest time that at some point, I wanted to make an Anna-centric Holifay Funfest comic, and just to be funny, give it the stupid title of "How Anna Saved Christmas". I just had never known what I wanted it to be about until the time came for the 2007 holidays.
3/25/08 0.00
kenisu3000 MOTHER Christmas Theatre: Page 10 (How Anna Saved Christmas)
Wait... what's this? That's right, Page 10 and on will now be in technicolor!
3/25/08 0.00
kenisu3000 MOTHER Christmas Theatre: Page 11 (How Anna Saved Christmas)
Wow. It's turned into Mission Impossible: Christmas Edition here.
3/25/08 0.00


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