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Chapter 1 - Page 31: A Gasp of Relief? - by kenisu3000

Chapter 1 - Page 31: A Gasp of Relief?

kenisu - #31
...My scanner is beginning to severely weird me out, what with how fitful it gets.
Anyway. what shall I say here? Let's start with the first panel - I like to call it the "SMAAAASH!!" panel (get it? Splash panel? Smash panel? Heh heh, heh... aww, never mind). I tried my best to recreate the "SMAAAASH!!" logo directly from the game, but holy crap, I never imagined it would be so difficuly, what with the way the angle curves back what with each progressive letter. I'm not so sure how well it works anyway, because I wanted at least two letter "A"s completely out in the open, and not blocked by Ninten's fat head. Instead I wound up with a couple of them half-hidden. Drat. Oh well, everything else turned out pretty much *exactly* how I had imagined it, and THAT, friends, is a good day! Except Ninten seems to resemble Charlie Brown here, what with the angle I chose for his nose - but MOTHER has a lot of Peanuts references anyway.
I also decided to establish Ninten's asthma here. Also, it looks like Minnie and Mimmie are still playing butt tag :) How long WAS that staircase anyway?!

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kenisu3000 MOTHER Christmas Theatre: Page 4 (Lucas's Gift)
And here it is: the whole reason I had the idea for this comic in the first place. That image of the severed horse's head at the foot of that one playboy's bed in The Godfather still haunts me, so I decided to make something funny out of it. Originally I was going to put this together with MOTHER 2 characters, with Ness getting the stickhorse and the other Chosen Three getting fed up with his childish ways and taking the hatchet to his precious new toy; but I realized that it would be a liiiittle out-of-character for Ness (I dunno, maybe he'd be Mushroomized?), so I went with Lucas and Claus instead.
3/25/08 0.00
kenisu3000 MOTHER Christmas Theatre: Page 5 (Eyecatcher)
Just a little divider to separate the two "features".
3/25/08 0.00
kenisu3000 MOTHER Christmas Theatre: Page 6 (How Anna Saved Christmas)
Let it be known that I hate drawing extras.
3/25/08 0.00
kenisu3000 MOTHER Christmas Theatre: Page 7 (How Anna Saved Christmas)
On the flip side, coming up with banters between characters is tons of fun.
3/25/08 0.00
kenisu3000 MOTHER Christmas Theatre: Page 8 (How Anna Saved Christmas)
Yeah... about this mysterious Jeanine character Lloyd mentions... well, you'll see who she is (and *possibly* recognize her) if I ever get that far in my main fancomic. For now, I'll just say I designed her after one of the NPCs.
3/25/08 0.00


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