Go Back! Mother3Claus isn't Drago - by Bluwiikoon
Other Submissions by Bluwiikoon
Author | Title | Description | Date | Rank |
Bluwiikoon | Snowball fight! |
It's probably not a very good idea to have a snowball fight with Carbon Dog, all of it just melts.
1/11/08 | 10.00 |
Bluwiikoon | Kraken |
What sharp teeth he has! ^__^ This was fun to shade, though the water took forever and still doesn't look like water. Oh well.
1/6/08 | 9.41 |
Bluwiikoon | Blue, blue trees |
One time, an Insane Cultist ended up stuck in a tree on my EB file for some strange reason. It was kinda funny, though I was sad because I couldn't fight him. :( Oh well.
2/1/08 | 9.00 |
Bluwiikoon | Mr. Saturn-BOING! |
Just a Mr. Saturn, nothing too special. I think I'm getting better at drawing them, though.
1/6/08 | 9.00 |
Bluwiikoon | Giygas-bird |
I don't know! :D I've been practicing drawing birds recently (mostly the wings), and uuhh... I decided to draw this for some reason. I'm either weird, or very imaginative.
2/5/08 | 9.00 |