The Pestilence Crawling Below

Small mice, large mice. Young mice and their elders. All Deadly. All issue forth from the gaping, hate-filled maw of the dreadful Plague Rat of Doom. The dark master of filth brings foetor and decay to the city above. The mice and rats spread out like searing tendrils of disease. A creeping death to all in its path. And all those foolish enough to brave its domain will be rent asunder by its absolute fury.

Small mice, large mice. Young mice and their elders. All Deadly. All issue forth from the gaping, hate-filled maw of the dreadful Plague Rat of Doom. The dark master of filth brings foetor and decay to the city above. The mice and rats spread out like searing tendrils of disease. A creeping death to all in its path. And all those foolish enough to brave its domain will be rent asunder by its absolute fury.