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Chapter 1 - Page 58: Of Oreos and Hocus-Pocus - by kenisu3000

Chapter 1 - Page 58: Of Oreos and Hocus-Pocus

kenisu - #58
I've always felt the livingroom was awfully... stark. I designed it similar to what's seen in the game, knowing full well how bland and... I dunno, threadbare(?) it looked, but I wanted to keep it that way, just for a laughable throwback to the simple 8-bit design of the game. But dang, after drawing and coloring all these pages, it seems to me that I should have at least succumbed to wallpaper, windows and a light fixture! What kind of psycho house -doesn't- have windows around its front door? And without those windows or an immediate light source aside from the kitchen window, how could it be so bright indoors? That's the price of adhering 100% to the game's design for the house's exterior first, THEN putting together the interior. You look at the inner layout and realize it doesn't conform to the outer structure at all. In the game, the front door, as seen from the the livingroom, is brown and square at the top, with no built-in window, but outside, it's gray with a rounded top and window, AND the doorknob's on the wrong side! So I changed it to fit the outside appearance. At least that's one claim to consistency I can make.

I need a life.

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kenisu3000 Prologue - Page 14: Unwanted Visitors
kenisu - #14
The line "George use to be a journalist" is my tribute to the Encyclopedia Mother, which gives a more detailed account of the history of George and Maria (tells how they got together and fell in love, etc.). By the time I finally got the Encyclopedia (a couple of months back?), I had already had in my head more-or-less what I wanted the entire prologue to encompass, so when I translated the George-and-Maria backstory in the Encyclopedia, I found that account didn't fit 100% with mine, and it was too late to change the pages I had already illustrated, and I was also unwilling to change the ideas I had for the remainder of the prologue. However, I was able to work in the idea that George was a big-time journalist for a famous newspaper, and that his work was what brought him to Mothersday Town, where he met Maria.
However, it's only this wink that connects my story with the Encyclopedia's.
9/30/06 0.00
kenisu3000 Prologue - Page 4: Final Sprint
kenisu - #04
Why on earth would George tell Maria to let the ax be and just keep running? The answer is that the ax was heavy, and so it was slowing them down in their flight (hey, don't tell me YOU haven't lost your head and made bad decisions in time of panic).
The panel where Maria helps George back up was difficult for me to illustrate (character-to-character actions always are for me), so yeah, there was a massive amount of erasing and re-drawing there. And try to avoid the irony of the fact that in the very next panel, even though George needed help up, he's already back in the lead.
If you haven't figured out by now, the best way to experience my artwork is to take in as much detail as you can. In this case, don't just glance at the last panel, LOOK at it (hint: the expression on Maria's face).
10/1/06 0.00
kenisu3000 Prologue - Page 5: Unwelcome Shock
kenisu - #05
I tried to make that big, final panel look as scary as possible, but alas, my artwork just drips of "cute", even when it's not supposed to.
10/1/06 0.00
kenisu3000 Prologue - Page 15: The Crowd is Going Wild
kenisu - #15
In starting this page, I found myself lost. I knew how I wanted this scene to culminate (you'll see what happens in the next page), but had no clue as to how to bring it about. This was one of those moments where picking up the pencil and just drawing it panel-by-panel enlightened me, so that I knew what direction to take. It was quite a miraculous touch-and-go, and I'm really pleased with how it turned out.
10/7/06 0.00
kenisu3000 Prologue - Page 6: The Night Deepens
kenisu - #06
Whatever it was that was above the couple's house, it has now departed.

For the time being.
10/8/06 0.00


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