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Chapter 1 - Page 58: Of Oreos and Hocus-Pocus - by kenisu3000

Chapter 1 - Page 58: Of Oreos and Hocus-Pocus

kenisu - #58
I've always felt the livingroom was awfully... stark. I designed it similar to what's seen in the game, knowing full well how bland and... I dunno, threadbare(?) it looked, but I wanted to keep it that way, just for a laughable throwback to the simple 8-bit design of the game. But dang, after drawing and coloring all these pages, it seems to me that I should have at least succumbed to wallpaper, windows and a light fixture! What kind of psycho house -doesn't- have windows around its front door? And without those windows or an immediate light source aside from the kitchen window, how could it be so bright indoors? That's the price of adhering 100% to the game's design for the house's exterior first, THEN putting together the interior. You look at the inner layout and realize it doesn't conform to the outer structure at all. In the game, the front door, as seen from the the livingroom, is brown and square at the top, with no built-in window, but outside, it's gray with a rounded top and window, AND the doorknob's on the wrong side! So I changed it to fit the outside appearance. At least that's one claim to consistency I can make.

I need a life.

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kenisu3000 Chapter 1 - Page 43: Kewpie Blows Chunks
kenisu - #43
I knew I wanted the doll to change its facial expression (the one and only time it ever does) just before Ninten decked its lights out, but originally I was going to make it a despairing "uh-oh!" face. I then realized that that would be inconsistent with the story, and it would make more sense for it to give off a bemused, "heh!" face instead.
I'm sure you're all wondering what the heck I'm talking about, but anyone who's familiar with the fan theories surrounding the poltergeist phenomenon at Ninten's house should be able to figure it out.
9/5/07 0.00
kenisu3000 Chapter 1 - Page 45: Kewpie's... History?
kenisu - #44
Junior organizer kit= REALLY weird gift to give your *newborn* niece (lots of stuff to choke on!), but I felt the need to tie in her gift with the role she plays in the game.
Also, it's been so long I actually had to re-learn how to draw the twins!
3/24/08 0.00
kenisu3000 Chapter 1 - Page 46: What Lies Beneath
kenisu - #46
See pages 19 and 20 of the prologue.
3/25/08 0.00
kenisu3000 Chapter 1 - Page 47: First Melody GET!
kenisu - #47
See pages 19 and 20 of the prologue.
3/25/08 0.00
kenisu3000 Chapter 1 - Page 48: What Happened With Mimmie
kenisu - #48
As you may be able to tell, in the first flashback panel, where Mimmie is looking at her door, I accidentally and absentmindedly gave her Minnie's color scheme... then realized what I had done, went "oh, snap" and erased the red as well I could, and replaced it with the purple scheme - though it's still very red-tinted.

Blasted twins.
4/10/08 0.00


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