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Elobo |
l'hotel Dusk |
[ebff2011] "He really did drink glass after glass of iced coffee. And he doesn't appreciate the criticism." -Interesting bit here is that I swore up and down this guy was in the hotel, then I realize he's in the restaurant. But I kept the title as it was because it's referencing Hotel Dusk. Gotta roll with the punches I guess.
1/17/11 |
0.00 |
Elobo |
Clipping the Wings of Courage |
[ebff2011] A mind encroaching upon itself. Such useless bravado, such wasteful swagger. This facade, is this how you see yourself? Your meager veneer is crippled, your psyche squeezes in upon itself. You had courage, it's been shattered. Now you see clearly. You see just how great of an adversary you are yourself. The illusion rent asunder, innocence ground to a pulp. All that is left is desperation. For the world, for your friends, for yourself.
1/17/11 |
0.00 |
Elobo |
Let... ME OUT. |
[ebff2011] Despoiled sac of bloat, frothing behemoth writhing in the decay below. Sealed in, captive of the pulsating energy of earth. Contagious wretch, held in invisible magnetic bonds. It soaked them. I grew to hate them and depend on them. And then they were released. Stolen. Its power and its prison. Its inhibitor. Its spawn grew larger and more violent. And its anger swelled in propensity. Too large now to fit through the holes to the pristine world above, it hews its cage away without effort. Great chunks of stone and metal tossed aside, difficulty a foreign notion. All of the filth spilled into the underworld is about to bubble up and rot away the surface. Imbibed in the pestilence of the Rat's wake.
1/17/11 |
0.00 |
Elobo |
Don't Wash Me Bro! |
[ebff2011] Ok. Ok. So you've backed me into a corner here. What is it you want? Huh? WASH ME? Get away! This filth is all I have! This stench is my only comfort! And you would take it all away from me? I AM the rot, dude, I AM the garbage! You will erase me! ME! Who's supposed to be the monster here anyways!? Are you that callous? Are you that sinister? No... why are you coming closer...? Put that away... no... no... don't... don't wash me bro...
1/17/11 |
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Elobo |
Quintessential Quandary |
[ebff2011] Seriously almost everybody else has these walloping bulbous noggins. Only a few guys like Monotoli's security dudes come close to the StarMaster's head. Why is his so small? This has kept me awake at night since I first played the game. Is the true secret of nothingness that your skull collapses in upon itself to fill the void? Or is the StarMaster actually the only normal sized head, and everyone else was just stung by multiple bees? His head seems the most proportionate, after all! I think this is an important topic.
1/17/11 |
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