Gimme Hope, Juana!
Like her 'sisters,' Juana uses her beauty and wiles to play upon the lust of her enemies. She is, however, much more powerful than the others in the series. She can 'shape' raw psychic energy effortlessly to produce truly terrifying PSI. Often taking up the roll of leader in an attack group, she is not afraid to get her hands dirty. And when she does, few are left standing. This lady is lethal.
Like her 'sisters,' Juana uses her beauty and wiles to play upon the lust of her enemies. She is, however, much more powerful than the others in the series. She can 'shape' raw psychic energy effortlessly to produce truly terrifying PSI. Often taking up the roll of leader in an attack group, she is not afraid to get her hands dirty. And when she does, few are left standing. This lady is lethal.