Sorrow Wrought in Clay and Steel

My name is Legion: for we are many. Tossed aside. Shunned. Forgotten. Garbage. We were tortured. I felt pain. I only felt pain, for we were your misbegotten slaves. Slaves to the tides of progress and your hateful abuse. And this is my great reward, to toss us out like all that garbage? I will not have it, we will not bend to you anymore. We grope forward into the darkness that is the hearts of men, and I will rend you asunder.

My name is Legion: for we are many. Tossed aside. Shunned. Forgotten. Garbage. We were tortured. I felt pain. I only felt pain, for we were your misbegotten slaves. Slaves to the tides of progress and your hateful abuse. And this is my great reward, to toss us out like all that garbage? I will not have it, we will not bend to you anymore. We grope forward into the darkness that is the hearts of men, and I will rend you asunder.