Author  |
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Elobo |
Dispute in the Swamp |
(Earthbound 64) Strange creatures have never been spotted by the humans who compile the bestiaries, but of course their lives go on. In an obscure corner of Nowhere, creatures adapted naturally in the swamp or rejected from artificial processes cling to life far from the source of turmoil. Though in nature few things are ever truly complacent, and territory is defended with tooth and nail. If the fish's aggressive display does not scare away the interloper, they will begin their dance of death.
7/25/09 |
0.00 |
Elobo |
Life Abounds in a Desert of Death |
Even the heat-scorched sands of a Desert known as Death can harbour a thriving cradle of life. Sand Lizards and Arrow Lizards skitter up to their rocky outcrop, littered with burrows. Weary from their thirsty daily existence, they seek to retreat into their network of homes before the shattering cold of night. They are together now, secure before they challenge the overwhelming presence of the blistering sun once more in the morrow.
6/22/09 |
0.00 |
Elobo |
Master in the Rotting Depths |
I am the lord of all the transients, miscreants, vermin, and garbage that have been rejected by the sickeningly immaculate world above. Those abandoned by the 'decent' sect of the world and thrust unto the raw death-sludge of the sewers beneath. Your neglect and wastefulness only fuel my dark dominion and we are steadily overtaking your vile stain under the wretched sun. And I will ride forth upon my kingdom of filth and smother out the flames of your lives.
8/15/09 |
0.00 |
Elobo |
I Have No Mouth |
I am broken, but I hunger. I am in pain, and I need to eat. Why would they program a robot to feel pain, or the nearest approximation? Why would they program a robot to experience desperation? Am I the sick pawn of some ironic game? I hunger. I crave. I lust. I STARVE. I HAVE NO MOUTH, AND I MUST EAT THIS SANDWICH! (ref to I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream)
8/15/09 |
0.00 |
Elobo |
Mondo Momma |
Though she was never the third strongest mole, she had a reason to fight. Your Sanctuary was hers now, to protect and nurture her birth and surrogate children. True brutal savagery emerges in a threatened mother, a gentle touch remains as she holds her rowdy progeny back from the main fracas. They may have been playing rough, but without Momma they will be scared and scattered, completely out of their depth in the Dusty Dunes and Summers. You monster.
4/9/09 |
0.00 |