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Elobo |
The Daily Grind |
Nothing exciting ever happens here. Sure, Ruffini's spirit medium skills were fun... for maybe a month. But who wants to know you're just part of a game? Who wants your mortality and lack of autonomy spelled out for you by a little white dog? It's sobering, it's humbling. It's depressing. And I know I'm doomed to stand here every day selling the same old stuff to the same four kids because that's my lot in life and I know it and I hate it. I just can't wait to go home and sleep and dream of a world where I'm the master of my destiny. Ha, not even that. Nighttime is just a convenient illusion for the "player."
9/10/09 |
0.00 |
Elobo |
The Big Man |
[Halloween 2009] They thought they would pull one over on him, take the control of his "family." They stabbed him in the back, locked him in a nest of the Undead. But his fury was too strong, his will was not swayed. He reveled in his reviled and grotesque new seat of power. And with his own hands and teeth he swayed all of the would-be usurpers back under his diretion in a shower of blood and viscera. And when their usefulness had run its course, he disposed of them with extreme prejudice.
2/7/10 |
0.00 |
Elobo |
The Bestiary Of Nowhere |
An old page restored from an old bestiary. Amongst realworld species, there seems to be a contradiction. This creature is described as having "jaws that rend adamant" a "bellow that shakes the mountainside" and that "its hide deflects all pain." This is highly dubious, and even the pigmen on this page defy explanation. The mostly likely suspects are that this is some children's boogey monster meant to scare them to bed, taken literally as time wore on. Or that the attacks and attributes described are from accounts of multiple beasts. That is to say, the stories became rolled up into one, making some kind of ultimate chimera.
3/15/10 |
0.00 |
Elobo |
The Antediluvian World |
Before the flood of man's progress, competition, and war the Tendas lived at peace - a civilization in rapid growth. Cave art adorned their walls and spiritual totems. Fertility sculptures were prepared for burial in the ground. Even a great many animals were at ease with the gentle, tender Tenda. While they were driven into the depths of the earth and many became withdrawn, their potential for immense strength and infinite compassion still pumps through their veins.
7/8/09 |
0.00 |
Elobo |
Terracotta Nightmare |
A treasure gleaming amongst the overwhelming drab greys of the terracotta dig. Gilded armor, an ornate warrior. A deadly grimace adorned its faceplate. It seemed possessed of life despite remaining motionless. A flash of vibrance in an army of still death. But it was not of this dig. Its inner workings were beyond the scope of ancient man. It took its time dissecting the excitable excavators. It had field research to conduct as well, after all.
11/8/09 |
0.00 |