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Elobo |
Positronic Nightmare |
Resistance form the mountain's animals were far greater than ever anticipated. So they sent down the Cerebellums, batteries of cascading psychic energy. Driving their cold metallic fingers into the brains of the opposition, a surge of blistering power warps their minds and makes them at once oblivious to the invaders and viciously aggressive toward anyone else who might trek upon the mountain.
5/26/09 |
0.00 |
Elobo |
Watchful Sentry |
The immense bulk of the Wetnosaur belies a more gentle demeanor. These huge omnivores attack only when they are hungry, or feel their young are at risk. Indeed, a giant Wetnosaur egg would be a delicious quarry to many predators big or small. The curious behemoth leers down at a passing creature, ready to snuff the life from its bones if it dare compromise the nest.
5/24/09 |
0.00 |
Elobo |
Forgotten |
The Metal Monkey believed in flight before fight, and ran and ran until it was alone with the trees of the forest. It stayed here in serene solitude. It would not leave. Now it is merely a cold, forgotten shell. But nature shows no remorse, its pace is not to be stalled. And the empty husk can run no more.
5/20/09 |
0.00 |
Elobo |
Death Throes in the Depths |
An interesting scroll depicts creatures we long thought extinct or mere myth. In the depths there are two mortal enemies in the Carbon Dogs and Chomposaurs. Though they are bitter foes, the dogs tend to avoid conflict. But the cruel Chomopsaurs will massacre young dogs whenever possible. The alpha of the pack assumes the strange power of the Diamond Dog in its rage and sorrow, and a mortal battle begins. A rolling maelstrom of tooth and claw... fire and earth. Titans locked in mortal combat. The diamond teeth sink into the great serpents neck as stamina gives way and its body slowly and painfully turns to mineral. It thrashes for all its worth in a final attempt to make sure the fight would have no survivors.
5/18/09 |
0.00 |
Elobo |
Propagation |
There are many fungal monsters, but few are as vile as the Zombieshroom. Its vast, undead network strangles its small island home. Whenever someone washes up on shore, it must slake its thirst for violence and need to propagate. The hapless victim is beaten, then slowly and painfully engulfed and changed by fungal growth. Finally, the brain is eaten by the Zombieshroom, and replaced with a new Zombieshroom core. The new zombie will either try to set out to flex its sickly influence elsewhere, or become yet another piece of the organism that just killed it.
5/14/09 |
0.00 |