Onett Complete: The Good Food For ogs That Dogs Like The Taste Of.

Recent theories about EARTHBOUND seem to centre around that enigma wrapped in a puppy that is Ruffini. Though possessing cosmic awareness, the recent theory is that Ruffini, despite being a cosmic entity, would still enjoy og food and he'd probably eat his hometown brand. This is because he still has a dog's taste buds and despite his knowledge he sticks around mundane Onett locations. Clearly he has hometown pride not to mention a dogs natural loyalty.

Recent theories about EARTHBOUND seem to centre around that enigma wrapped in a puppy that is Ruffini. Though possessing cosmic awareness, the recent theory is that Ruffini, despite being a cosmic entity, would still enjoy og food and he'd probably eat his hometown brand. This is because he still has a dog's taste buds and despite his knowledge he sticks around mundane Onett locations. Clearly he has hometown pride not to mention a dogs natural loyalty.