Someone's Rotting in the State of Osohe

[Halloween 2009] Dog, you'll be the undeath of me yet! I'm the host of that party, you know! I'm giving up a huge stockpile of rotten eclairs for this shinding you know? Yeah, you're sniffing around? Yeah? Well you had better do something. You'd better. At least I found a use for this freeloading snake at last! I'm going as a business human you dolt of a dog! It's perfect! And you're making miss it! So you'd better hurry up and do your number. Or I'm not going to be pleased. At ALL.

[Halloween 2009] Dog, you'll be the undeath of me yet! I'm the host of that party, you know! I'm giving up a huge stockpile of rotten eclairs for this shinding you know? Yeah, you're sniffing around? Yeah? Well you had better do something. You'd better. At least I found a use for this freeloading snake at last! I'm going as a business human you dolt of a dog! It's perfect! And you're making miss it! So you'd better hurry up and do your number. Or I'm not going to be pleased. At ALL.