The Long Haul to Victory?

(Fanfest - Sharks in New Pork city) The Sharks strived to win back the Arcade from the Pork Army, but the King saw the potential for entertainment therein. A tournament was arranged, playing one of the King’s favourite games - last man standing wins the game, the first team to 100 games is crowned the Masters of the Arcade. It was a catered event, attendance mandatory. Of course, he manipulated the games so that they’d be dead even, 99 wins each. Only the last game was left solely to the players, only that match mattered. IF he would let them stop. Secretly, they hoped they could finish this obsession _now_ because they didn’t want him to dare consider constructing a live version… (depicted game based on Smash T.V.)

(Fanfest - Sharks in New Pork city) The Sharks strived to win back the Arcade from the Pork Army, but the King saw the potential for entertainment therein. A tournament was arranged, playing one of the King’s favourite games - last man standing wins the game, the first team to 100 games is crowned the Masters of the Arcade. It was a catered event, attendance mandatory. Of course, he manipulated the games so that they’d be dead even, 99 wins each. Only the last game was left solely to the players, only that match mattered. IF he would let them stop. Secretly, they hoped they could finish this obsession _now_ because they didn’t want him to dare consider constructing a live version… (depicted game based on Smash T.V.)