Mother 3: Symphony: CH1 P31 - The Reveal
m3symph - #31
Kumatora's kick not only knocks over the Masked Man, but knocks his helmet off aswell.
What the group sees comes as a shock.
Yes, in this comic, Claus has sharp teethies after becoming Masked Man (in my story, it was done to him by the Pork Army to make him look more fierce). Tried to make the sharp teeths more obvious.
Kumatora's shocked face turned out weird, lol.
m3symph - #31
Kumatora's kick not only knocks over the Masked Man, but knocks his helmet off aswell.
What the group sees comes as a shock.
Yes, in this comic, Claus has sharp teethies after becoming Masked Man (in my story, it was done to him by the Pork Army to make him look more fierce). Tried to make the sharp teeths more obvious.
Kumatora's shocked face turned out weird, lol.