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Prologue - Page 1: The Youthful Couple - by kenisu3000

Prologue - Page 1: The Youthful Couple

kenisu - #01
Well, this is it. This project has been literally years in the making, as it's been brewing in my mind since I first finished the game in 2000 (coherent scenes that I recall to this day didn't start forming until summer of 2002). At any rate, I had been putting it off and putting it off, until finally, just this last April, when I came back to this site after a long absence and discovered that Mother 3 was soon to be released. That brought back the fanboy in me, and I wasted no time in making plans for a comic series of my favorite game in the whole trilogy - Mother 1. The mysterious elements of this game, and the uncanny landscapes which remind me of my childhood, have long held me entranced. So, I present to you what has been on paper only since April, but what has been cooking up in my mind since six years earlier.
To comment on this specific page, I'd like to admit that the introductory narrative was a bad decision on my part. For future reference, the phrase "Little did they know" automatically cheese-ifies ANY piece of fiction. George and Maria needed no formal introduction - they introduce each other. I should have used a single subtitle saying "Outskirts of a rural American town, circa 1906", but I guess it's all water under the bridge now.

Other Submissions by kenisu3000

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kenisu3000 Whose Hat is This? Coloring Book Title Page
whohat - #01
Last month, my church was doing a service project for the local crisis center, and they asked me to illustrate a coloring book for the kids. By this time, I was already deeply immersed in my "Mother" comic series for the site, and I knew from past experience that if I sidetracked myself, I might never get back around to the comic. I also knew that even if I illustrated this coloring book, my heart just wouldn't be in it unless it was something that I felt very close to. So, instead of throwing together some goofy little "See Spot Run" thing, I decided to take a tiny piece of the storyline from Mother 1 (that is, when Ninten and Lloyd bring Anna her hat) and kiddify it for all it's worth.
The irony of it all is, now there's probably a handful of kids in my hometown running around with their crayons scribbling in a coloring book based on a retro Nintendo game that never made it outside of Japan. And they don't even know it. I've brainwashed the children... :)
9/25/06 10.00
kenisu3000 Too Much Rolling in the Mud?
Sorry, I couldn't resist.
6/15/09 10.00
kenisu3000 The Twins and Pokey
Submission for the Envelope Art part of the 2007 EB Siege.
8/26/07 9.00
kenisu3000 The Dragon of Darkness Awakens
In Mother 3, there's a huge mess revolving around the "Dragon of Darkness", but even at the end of the game, we never get to see him/her/it. Well, we do get to see a huge black "breathing" mass which MIGHT be the Dragon (in the shot with all those tornadoes, I believe), but that's unclear.
Well, one evening about two weeks or so ago, I discovered the rare Evanescence song "Before The Dawn", and when I heard it, I felt it would fit perfectly with the destruction of the world at the end of Mother 3. And then, this breathtaking image just flew into my mind. I saw the Dragon (I had no clear idea what I wanted it to look like, albeit I knew I wanted it slender and very nocturnal-looking) standing atop the ending world, staring at a crescent moon as though it could reach out and grasp it.
So, I cooked up a preliminary sketch for the Dragon of Darkness (it was a sidelong view... I might submit that if sitegoers wish to see that as well), and got to work on a full-page mind-to-paper translation of this fantastic image. I used so much permanent marker for the black expanse of space, however, that the drawing still gives off fumes to this day and gets anyone nearby high as a cloud :)
9/25/06 0.00
kenisu3000 Sucks to be Lloyd
Heh, Lloyd’s head even kinda looks like a butt in that last panel there.

7/30/10 0.00


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